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Buy Mini PCs Online in U.K. at low prices at Pondesk online store. Our Mini PC are compatible with almost all modern firewalls & operating systems. i.e. Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, Sophos, Untangle, Open BSD, FreeBSD, Clear OS, pfSense, UTM - Smoothwall, m0n0wall, Endian, Zeroshell etc. and they can provide similar performance of the traditional PC but in a much smaller body and lower price. Also our computer experts can find you the best mini PC according to your needs.


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We are retiring PICOPC Products MNHO-073, MNHO-048 and MNHO-043 and they have reached EOL (End Of Life) as we are introducing new products with better technology. We would recommend you to look into MNHO-096, MNHO-069 and MNHO-113. For Untangle, pfSense, OPNsense, Windows 11, Proxmox VE etc. we recommend MNHO-096 whereas for Sophos, Kerio Control and Endian, we would recommend MNHO-069 while MNHO-113 is suggested for OPNsense, pfSense, Windows 11, etc. (A complete list of supported OS can be found in each product’s listing)
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